Album: Forefathers - EP
Sin & Sacrifice | |
Injustice For All | |
The Final Hour | |
The Blood of Tyrants | |
Divide & Conquer | |
Insurrection | |
Cruor Viaticus | |
Prophetic Illusions | |
Collapse | |
Signals | |
Rise |
Insurrection is the story told by Nick about the coming of days. Not the end, just the beginning of an onslaught of total devastation. You could say this is the a copy of Wormworld, by The Acacia Strain or Fit For An Autopsy, but in the eyes of a person who is finally realizing what is taking place and what they think about it. The CD will strike your heart where it hurts most, and it will destroy your beliefs of this almighty nation. Nick has had time to prepare for this release. From the release of their self-titled CD to their previous release, The Harbinger, Nick has been warning every one of his thoughts and what he deems is the new coming age of man, friend against friend pitting each other to death just to make a point only to be torn down.
The lyrics to this CD are just something I love in the deathcore genre. Sure you have the occasional love/hate, I fucking want to kill you lyrics, but this is a FUCKING MESSAGE to the masses. This CD is warning all the people of the coming final hour. Stating when each will be tested of their beliefs and shot for their commitment to this great nation of bloodshed. Throughout this CD you will be shocked, smashed into the ground and thrown into the fucking air by those beastly breakdowns. Accompanied by this onslaught is the message that we will fail, and we will fall for trying to seek our beliefs. The real message to divide and conquer, the almighty truth of how the justice is for all those who swear by it, or for us to finally take a stand fight for something and FUCKING RISE
The key tracks in this masterpiece are Insurrection and Cruor Viaticus. I honed in and instantly fell in love with these two songs, not only because of the fade out with the screams of Nick, but because of the actual message they are trying to get across. They don’t want to live in a world of mediocrity they want to prove there is a reason to exist. As stated, fuck your world you can have it. Cruor Viaticus is the story of how our nation is buying security and bloodshed, senseless blood shed is the collateral that coincides with this spreading of lies that will NEVER FUCKING BLEED US DRY.
This CD is for everyone, whether or not you listen to this genre, once you read the lyrics you will be hooked. I look at this CD as being the offspring of the many bands who also try to state a message of warning, that all of which need to heed. Such bands consist of The Acacia Strain, Fit For An Autopsy and the late Rage Against The Machine. Sure they’re not in the same genre group, but their lyrics are all a warning of what is coming and will happen if we choose to follow blindlessly and let the nation decide our demise.
Where to start? If you want a band with an original, but yet solid sound, Aechoes is where its at. A band reigning from Las Vegas these men have a lot going for them. They possess their own sound, but making an impact on the music scene. Aechoes - ((ek-ōs)) 1. Any unheard and/or unseen events caused by the actions, thoughts, or decisions of a human being. What more can you say about a band that can raise the bar for a scene of posers and wannabes and fucking destroy it? You will never expect their music to go in the direction it does upon listening to the band's debut album, The Human Condition. From the djent style of the guitars to the crushing sound of the drums and all wrapped up in a destructive package with Kiernan at the helm. This band is laying waste to the scene and making their own footprint on the music industry. Kiernan their vocalist can make you feel all sorts of emotions from the variance in his elegant singing to his gut retching screams. Doofy and Dynamite all bring the djent sound to the plate. These two men here along with Christian are what make this band have that livid sound. No band is complete without the heart pounding sounds of the battle drums. The drums are perfectly choreographed by Ferris throwing in physical emotion to the song at hand.
The CD in general is a masterpiece, mainstream metal bands all the sound same or follow the same cliché of chugga chugga bree brees. Aechoes wants to readify the music scene. They want to prove there is still bands out who give a fuck about their sound and not get buried in the mediocrity of "everyone" else. You wouldn't want to label them death metal or metalcore. This band is mainly just METAL. No doubt, sure you can pigeon hole them, but they have their own sound from all the different and varying sounds, but that's what make a band unique. Their attention to their sound. Each track has its own meaning and purpose to this masterpiece. The crushing guitar riffs, the emotionally demanding drumming, the hellacious strumming of the bass and the almost commanding vocals. Aechoes is a force to be reckoned with, don't fuck with them or you'll end up like everyone else, burning in a sea of cookie cutter soup and set to decimate.
Album: Nightmare
Rating: 5-Stars
Avenged Sevenfold have come along way since their first album “Sounding The Seventh Trumpet” and their first concerts. This is a band who have been through hell and back to get to where they are now. From label rejections to disappointed fans and their most recent tragedy, the loss of their dear brother/drummer Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan. And as much as these 5 men have wanted to give it all up and go back to their normal lives, they’ve never let anything stop them. With 5 records now under their belts, they know all about what it takes to make it and how hard that journey is. Their latest effort, “Nightmare”, has taken them above and beyond to bring their fans the best album they have released to date. From face-melting solos, to heart-wrenching ballads, to haunting choruses, and even a duet with the now-deceased Jimmy Sullivan, this album is a great acquisition for both new and old fans alike.
Key Tracks:
Track: Nightmare
The opening track, “Nightmare”, sets the tone for the rest of the album. .This masterpiece portrays a bumpy, roller-coaster ride through Hell and back. Don’t let the bells fool you, kiddies, this isn’t a trick to put you to sleep. As Shadows proclaims “Now your nightmare comes to life…”, you’re immediately awoken from your lucid state and pulled into a terrifying nightmare. With haunting cackles from vocalist M. Shadows, face-melting solos from Vengeance and Gates, and thundering drum beats from the ring leader himself, The Rev. This man has a legacy, although his time had to come to a short close, the music he built to inspire and create lives on, and derives from his workings of Nightmare. This track makes you feel every bit as though you’ve been pulled into a fuckin’ nightmare.
Track: God Hates Us
The 7th track on the album, “God Hates Us”, is a play on the anger we all feel after a loss. We’ve all screamed, cried, and pounded the ground in search of the answer to a simple, yet complicated question. “Why?” Why, if there WERE a god would he allow such horrible events to occur. This track is simply that anger put into song form. From the guitars, vocals, and drumbeats in this song, you can truly feel how angry the band is with god.
Track: Fiction
This was the final track to be written before the recording process began. 3 days before his untimely death, James “The Rev” Sullivan handed this masterpiece into Shadows and the gang and said “that’s it…that’s the last song for this record.” Little did the band know that this would be his last song ever written. The title, “Ficiton”, comes from one of “The Rev’s” nicknames in High School. With a haunting melody, bone-chilling duet with “The Rev”, and an overall melancholy feel about this track in general. This is EASILY the saddest song that the guys have ever written. But it’s a great way to remember the legacy that James Owen Sullivan left behind.