Band: Forefathers (Facebook)
Album: Forefathers - EP
Album: Forefathers - EP
Rating: 5/5
2. Arrows in the Water
3. The Rejuvenation Chamber
4. Pirates
5. The Nurturer
If you like good hardcore music and can't seem to find any newer bands that suit that need, look no further! Kentucky's own Forefathers take anger and aggression to otherworldly levels with crushing vocals, shredding guitars, and explosive drum beats! Channeling pure and raw emotion into musical form, this band is on their way to greater things. Released on January 1st, 2011, their debut self-titled EP is anything but ordinary. Remember when music wasn't generic? When riffs and melodies were original and not ripped off? Well, be prepared to be taken back to that time as I explore this impressive 5-song EP!
Key Tracks:
Arrows in the Water: The 2nd track and the one that seemed to find itself on repeat the most, this is easily my favorite track on this EP. Starting with a simple riff and immediately unleashing fury with Justin Wisdom's raw and edgy vocals. This song is, to me, the heaviest on the EP and definitely worth a listen if you're trying to decide whether or not you like the band. This song reminds me of what it's like to listen to good music, not just the typical open-note, breakdown, chorus, breakdown, ending type of music we seem to see so much of these days.
Final Thoughts:
If you're a fan of aggressive music, this EP is for you. These guys are on their way to bigger and better things and will definitely be a name to remember in the future. They're currently recording a new album to destroy our speakers, but for now, check out Forefathers on iTunes and be prepared to be blown away by true musicianship!
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